Welcome To Andy's FX Corner
Hey guys, Andy here,
I just want to thank you all for stopping by and checking out the site. Yes, it's not the most professional and I need to improve, but I'll definitely take time to improve and try to do things.
I wanted to create a blog that celebrates both practical and digital effects since both are truly fascinating and interesting to me and they both have a purpose within film. So far I hope interview different artists and share their passion for their medium.
So far what I have in mind is interviewing the different department heads of the latest blockbuster, KONG: SKULL ISLAND. I would take time and discuss the film with phenomenal artists involved with the film including Academy Award winning mind of makeup department head Bill Corso (A SERIES OF UNFORTUNATE EVENTS, DEADPOOL) and the ground-breakers of the digital realm Industrial Light & Magic (STAR WARS, JURASSIC PARK).
Like I said in the beginning, thank you so much for stopping by and I hope that you'll come in for the interview.